Like prescription opioids (painkillers), benzodiazepines are prescribed by medical and mental health professionals as part of treatment plans to address symptoms of a wide range of conditions. Also, like opioids, benzodiazepines or “benzos” are considered mostly safe when taken as directed; however, they are frequently misused, leading to rising levels of benzo addiction and overdose death. 

What are Benzos? 

Benzodiazepines such as Valium, Ativan, and Xanax are prescription medications used to help alleviate symptoms related to various mental and physical health conditions. Benzos are manufactured drugs meaning they are human-made to address specific symptoms instead of naturally derived from ingredients found in nature. They are commonly prescribed to individuals struggling with seizures, anxiety and panic disorders, muscle spasms, and sleeping disorders. They are also frequently used as part of a medically supervised treatment (medically assisted withdrawal) plan for drug and alcohol use disorders at a benzo detox facility. 

Benzodiazepines produce a relaxing, tranquilizing effect that can help those struggling with specific conditions better manage their symptoms. Benzos are effective because they work in the brain in similar ways as opioid drugs by attaching to specific chemical receptors responsible for managing feelings of joy and pleasure. Because of their desirable effects, benzo’s are frequently abused and misused by those looking to achieve the “feel good” effects of using the drug. 

The Importance of Benzo Detox Facilities

Even if you follow your doctor’s orders and take benzodiazepines as directed, addiction is still a risk. Unfortunately, despite their beneficial uses, benzos are highly addictive drugs. Additionally, and perhaps more, unfortunately, detoxing from benzos can be dangerous and even life-threatening. No matter the initial reason for taking benzos, withdrawal symptoms will occur when you reduce or stop using them altogether. For most people, withdrawal symptoms begin in as little as 24 hours after their last dose and last up to several weeks. As with many substances, the intensity and duration of withdrawal will depend on several factors, such as the severity of your addiction and whether you had detoxed before and experienced a relapse.

When you seek help from a benzo detox facility, you can feel safe knowing a highly skilled team of treatment providers will provide support and medical monitoring throughout the earliest and most challenging stages of detox. Benzo detox produces various symptoms, including anxiety, stomach upset, hallucinations, muscle spasms, and difficulties sleeping. For some, severe and potentially life-threatening symptoms may occur. The more dangerous symptoms of withdrawal make choosing a benzo detox facility so crucial to your health and safety as you start to overcome addiction.

How to Get Help with a Benzo Addiction Today

If you or a loved one is dependent on or addicted to benzodiazepines, it is vital to seek help from a benzo detox facility today. Overcoming a struggle with benzos requires comprehensive, supported assistance from trained medical professionals who can ensure your safety as you begin your journey towards sobriety. Additionally, detoxing at a skilled facility like Ohana Recovery Center provides the opportunity to seamlessly transition into an individually designed benzodiazepine addiction treatment program designed to help you get and stay sober.
At our women-focused addiction treatment rehab, members of our treatment team will work with you to ensure your treatment program includes the vital components you need to overcome benzodiazepine addiction. Your treatment plan will consist of services such as detox, therapy, and comprehensive aftercare planning to ensure you have the support and guidance necessary to maintain lasting recovery. If you would like to learn more about our programs or are gender-specific rehab here in Southern California, contact us today for more information.